Meet your new trainer.

With nearly a decade of experience, Christina is widely recognized for helping clients build stronger and healthier bodies with her unique combination of strength, endurance training and nutrition coaching.


    1-on-1, buddy, or small group training in an in-person or virtual setting.


    Access to my meal prep cookbook to support your healthy eating practices.


    Stretching sessions to further increase flexibility and range of movement.


    Lunchtime HIIT every M,W,F at 12:00 pm at HitFit SF in the mission district.

    Register Here.


“Christina was able to meet me exactly where my body was. She assessed my abilities and designed workouts that were sensitive to my body's limitations, but challenged me just enough that I could feel myself getting stronger and stronger!“

- Julie Barrios

“I wasn’t prepared for the complete transformation I’ve gone through. Under her guidance I’ve gained so much strength; I’m amazed at what my body can lift now. I don’t get winded doing simple things, and I’m not constantly in pain. The weight (and so many inches!) has flown away never to return. She has completely transformed my body and has made me love being fit and healthy.“

- Maria Morales

Meet Christina.

Christina is a Personal Trainer, Health Coach and a Samba Performer who enjoys an active lifestyle that focuses on following her passion.

She sets the example for how adopting a healthier lifestyle with strength training and proper nutrition can be fun and rewarding.

Her passion for travel has sparked her curiosity for cooking delicious whole food meals and recipes to share with clients. Dancing samba ignites her soul, allowing her to live in the moment and to express her creativity and spirit. 

Mission Statement

Christina is here to educate and empower you in recognizing your ever-changing needs to feel confident and establish healthy practices that serve you.

Fitness is more than physical. It is also emotional, mental & spiritual. Your custom program will be designed to tie in different elements of fitness - strength, nutrition guidance, stress management techniques & community.  



  • SFG Kettlebell Training

  • Assisted Stretching Specialist

  • Pain Free Performance Specialist


  • Muscle Development

  • Fat Loss

  • Functional Training

  • Endurance, Strength, and Balance

  • Lifestyle Coaching